Quizzic Alley in Canberra

Quizzic Alley in Canberra has a magical vibe all its own. Quaff a QBrew, come face-to-face with a dragon or take a ride in the flying car. You might even meet Nearly Legless Mick.

Our store in Sydney is permanently closed.

We were so sad to leave and we hope we can return some day. If you want to know why we made the tough decision to close our much-loved and so very magical store, you can read all about it here.

We thought we’d leave this enchanting 3D virtual tour of our Sydney store here for a little while longer so we can all reminisce about how magical is really was.

The Great Wizard’s Ball

Our events are legendary. From our school holidays activities andthe annual Harry Potter Book Night to the amazing and immersive Great Wizard’s Ball!

Celebrate all things magical with us! Don your finest robes and wizarding regalia and join other witches and wizards unforgettable, immersive challenges and experiences!

Although many events were postponed because of looming dark forces, we are already planning events for 2023!

The Quizzical Enquirer

Subscribe to the Quizzical Enquirer for magical updates and exclusive, spellbinding offers delivered Quizzically.

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